Professor, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, 2019 - present.
Adjunct Professor (joint appointment), Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST , 2019 - present.
Seoul National University (Associate Professor), 2014 - 2018.
KAIST (Assistant, Associate Professor), 2011 - 2014.
Tufts University (Norbert Wiener Assistant Professor), 2010 - 2011.
the University of Texas at Austin (R. H. Bing Instructor), 2008 - 2010.
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, 2007.
students mentored
Hyunsu Park (SNU Master's 2016 - 2020)
Donggyun Seo (SNU PhD 2013 - 2020, KIAS Mar 2020 - Aug 2020)
Vietnam Polymath REU Program, Oct 2023 - Oct 2024 [Link]
REU Workshop at VIASM, July 2024.
Great Minds, EBS : consulting for translating the five lectures of Professor Ian Stewart
Editor, Journal of Korean Mathematical Society (2019 - ), [link]
Editor, KIAS Springer Series in Mathematics (2021 - ), [link]
Vol. 1. Recent Progress in MathematicsEditor, Horizon : a KIAS Webzine for promotion of science awareness in public (2022 - ), [intro] [link]
Article reviews
- Reviewer, MR (Mathematical Reviews)
MR3033518 ; MR3125410 ; MR3158758 ; MR3158775 ; MR3668054 ; MR3728497 ; MR3738334 ; MR3797073 ; MR3858768 ; MR3864538 ; MR3909234 ; MR3954281 ; MR4009420 ; MR4020679 ; MR3993762
- Reviewer, zbMATH (Zentralblatt MATH)
KIAS Transdisciplinary Research, Program Committee, 2023 - present.
KIAS Labor--Management Committee, KIAS, 2020 - present.
Steering Committee, Center for Mathematical Challenges, KIAS, 2021 - present.
Steering Committee, AI Center for Basic Sciences, KIAS, 2020 - present.
Research Output Analysis Committee (성과분석위원), National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단), 2020 - 2022.
Review Board (전문위원, 분야별 지원체계 자문위원회), National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단), 2018 - present.
Steering Committee, Seoul Science High School (2018.3 - 2020.2)
Topology Committee, Korean Mathematical Society (2023 - )
Executive board member, Korean Mathematical Society (2013 - 2014)
Member, Korean Mathematical Olympiad (KMO) Committee, 2013 - present (2023).
Conference Organization
Dynamical Group Theory (conference series)
Dynamical Group Theory IV, September 25 - 28, 2024.
New Methods in Group Actions on Manifolds (Dynamical Group Theory III), August 13 - 16, 2024
Korea-France Workshop on Dynamical Group Theory II, Feb 29, 2024. [Link]
Korea-Chile Workshop on Dynamical Group Theory I, Incheon, Korea, September 27 - 28, 2023. [Link]
Organizing Committee
Semigroups, groupoids and C*-algebras, July 1 - 5, 2024
Hyperbolic Geometry of Numbers, Dec 18 - 20, 2023. [Link]
The 4th Korea-France Conference in Mathematics, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, August 21 - 25, 2023. [Link]
Workshop on topological data analysis: mathematics, physics and beyond, KIAS, Korea, February 8 - 10, 2023
PK² Topology Workshop
Fall 2022, Nov 1 - 4, 2022. Busan, Korea.
Spring 2022, May 29 - June 1, 2022. Jeju, Korea.
The 6th Korea Toric Topology Workshop, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, July 11 - 13, 2022.
East Asian Conference on Geometric Topology (EACGT 2022), Program/Organizing Committee, KIAS, Korea.
One-dimensional actions of 3-manifold groups, Organizing / Scientific Committee, Dijon, France, November 4 - 8, 2019.
Combinatorial and algebraic aspects of geometric structures, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, July 18 - 26, 2019.
Scientific Committee / Organizer, GAGTA-2018, Seoul, Korea (2018)
Organizer, IBS Undergraduate Mathematics Festival, 2015.
Organizer, East Asian Conference on Algebraic Topology 6 (EACAT-6), Daejeon, Korea, 2015.
Organizer, Geometric Group Theory Workshop, Seaes Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea Dates January 22 - 24, 2015.
Organizer, Geometry on Groups and Spaces (ICM 2014 Satellite), Daejeon, Korea, 2014
KAIST Geometric Topology Fair, 2011 - 2013 (annual)
Scientific / Steering / Program Committee
GAGTA (Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications), Steering Committee, 2023 - . [Link]
Young Geometric Group Theory XII, Bristol, Scientific Committee, UK, 8 - 12 April 2024.
GAGTA2023 (Geometric and Asymptotic Group Theory with Applications), Scientific Committee, Vienna, Austria, July 17 - 21, 2023.
The 15th East Asian School of Geometric Topology, Program Committee, RIMS & Kyoto University, Japan, Feb 10 - 13, 2020.
yGGT-2024 (Bristol, UK), yGGT-2019 (July 1 - 5, 2019, Bilbao, Spain), Scientific Committee.
Workshop on Groups, Geometry and Dynamical System (ICM 2018 satellite), Scientific Committee, Montevideo, Uruguay (2018)
Seoul National University
Algebraic Structure of Diffeomorphism Groups (graduaute course), Spring 2018. Dynamics on the Circle (graduate course), Spring 2016.
Geometry on Infinite Groups (graduate course), Fall 2014.
Mathematics and recitation 1, 2 (non-math majors Calculus), Spring and Fall 2014. Calculus 1 and 2 (math majors), Spring and Fall 2015, 2018.
Topology 1, 2 (undergraduate), Spring and Fall 2015. Mathematics for Biology 1, 2, Spring and Fall 2016. Algebraic Topology 1, Fall 2016, 2018.
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Education 3.0 Calculus I, Spring 2012, Spring 2013 – a discovery oriented course with bottom-up approach and multimedia integration.
Education 3.0 Calculus II, Fall 2012.
Algebraic Topology I (graduate course), Spring 2013.
Groups, Graphs and Geometry (graduate course), Spring 2012. Calculus II (Calculus of Several Variables), Fall 2011. Freshman Seminar, Fall 2011.
Tufts University
Calculus II, Fall 2010.
Calculus III, Fall 2010 and Spring 2011.
the University of Texas at Austin
Differential and Integral Calculus I, Spring 2008, Fall 2008 and Fall 2009. Differential and Integral Calculus II, Spring 2010.
Introduction to Number Theory, Summer 2009.
Probability I, Summer 2008 and Spring 2009.
Discrete Mathematics, Spring 2008.
Topics in Geometric Group Theory (graduate course), Spring 2010.
Yale University
Calculus of Functions of One Variable, 2006 and 2007.
Introduction to Functions of Several Variables, 2006.
Calculus of Functions of Several Variables, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.